Guiding Principles

At SCTI, we firmly believe that industry collaboration is indispensable to achieving sustainability goals successfully and efficiently. Our intention is to be inclusive and open and to attract more supporters from the industry in our journey. 

  • We believe that resources used in today’s production of Textile and Leather auxiliaries and dyes are not to be wasted or impaired.
  • We are committed to supporting the 17 UN sustainable development goals.
  • We work towards a paradigm shift in our industry to reach a more environmentally-driven, holistic approach.
  • Our actions and efforts are science- and fact-based, transparent and measurable.
  • We build our leadership on openness.
  • We seek engagement with diverse opinions to create innovative solutions that benefit the environment and society.
  • We are committed to reaching higher sustainability standards for our chemicals beyond the legal requirements and current standards.
  • We are committed to developing stronger and direct engagement between chemical companies, brands and retailers.
  • We are keen to partner with the entire value chain to create a new and better tomorrow.
  • Collectively, we have unique resources, solutions and desire that can unlock the door to a brighter future.
By consolidating the landscape of sustainable chemistry, we make it easier for the industry to navigate the complex world of textile production and make choices that support their sustainability goals.

We are committed to providing clear and accessible information to the industry about the chemical processes used in textile production. By doing so, we empower the value chain to make informed decisions that align with their values.

Holistic Approach

We take a comprehensive approach to sustainable chemistry, considering the entire lifecycle of textile chemicals and textile production. This means not only focusing on reducing the environmental impact of production but also ensuring that workers are treated fairly and that products are safe for the environment and consumers.


Our collaborative approach ensures that we work closely with stakeholders, understanding their unique needs and challenges in an inclusive manner. We believe that by working together, we can find innovative solutions to complex problems.